WAFSGSO Spring 2024 Workshop Series
Dept. of Geography
Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife
4 hours, including instruction and hands-on exercises.
After each hour, 5-10 minute break.
Raise hand or write down and ask during breaks.
Learn More: Geography Course Offerings
The MU Geography Department has several:
Understanding spatial data, software, and tools.
This is the tool in the toolbox.
This is the science that guides the tool.
E.g., Analyzing habitat suitability, identifying biodiversity hotspots, assessing landscape connectivity, and evaluating environmental impacts.
E.g., The integration of various data sources, such as satellite imagery, field surveys, and remote sensing data, to assess the condition of ecosystems, track changes over time, and develop sustainable management strategies.
E.g., Prioritizing conservation efforts, allocating resources efficiently, and evaluating the potential impacts of alternative management actions.
E.g., Research biologists, land managers, GIS specialists, conservation planners
Note: GIS courses are widely accepted for professional certifications, like CWB
How the surface of the Earth is represented digitally
Represents space as points, lines, and polygons.
Represents space as points, lines, and polygons
Source: Carto
More than 80 different vector file types available across software and systems!
Represents space as a grid of pixels
Source: Carto
Raster is faster, but vector seems more correcter
Stop Using Shapefiles: http://switchfromshapefile.org/
While shapefiles are common and widely supported, there are several downsides:
Representing a 3D sphere as a 3D model
Learn more: https://www.geo-projections.com/
Representing a 3D sphere on a 2D surface
See more here: https://epsg.io/.
Coordinate reference systems have various names or ways of referring to them in GIS software.
This is especially prominent in programmatic GIS where a GUI dropdown menu of projections is not an option.
See more here: https://epsg.io/.
See more here: https://epsg.io/.
See more here: https://epsg.io/.
*Many open-source software have paid tiers for extending functionality or rely on paid services for sharing
GPS receivers, or Global Positioning System receivers, are electronic devices that use signals from satellites to determine the receiver’s location on Earth.
GPS receivers range in both price and accuracy.
Recreational grade GPS receivers are sold at most box stores and at many sporting goods and camping stores. They are also available widely through Internet retailers. These units are the least expensive grade and are generally accurate to within +/- 25 feet (7.6 meters). These receivers run in the $100 to $600 range and are the type most often purchased by the general public.
Mapping grade GPS receivers are generally sold by “high end” and licensed resellers. These GPS receivers are typically less user-friendly than the recreational GPS, and they cost significantly more. Mapping grade GPS are more accurate than recreational units, commonly to within a meter (~3 feet).
Survey grade GPS receivers are the most accurate and the most expensive. They are accurate to within a centimeter and can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Many apps available for field data collection.
Many apps available for field data collection.
Can be used with external GPS receivers (Bad Elf, Garmin GLO), else uses the internal GPS chip.
Spatial operations in GIS refer to a set of analytical techniques and functions used to manipulate, analyze, and derive new spatial information from existing geographic datasets.
These operations involve the manipulation of spatial data to answer specific questions, identify patterns, and support decision-making processes.
Tobler’s First Law of Geography, often summarized as “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things,” has profound implications for spatial analysis and GIS operations.
Many GIS operations and spatial analysis techniques are inherently based on Tobler’s First Law of Geography, as they leverage proximity and spatial relationships to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions.
There are a various types or groups of spatial operations.
This operation involves extracting a portion of one layer based on the extent of another layer. It retains only those features from the input layer that fall within the spatial extent of the clip layer.
Selecting features involves choosing specific geographic features from a layer based on certain criteria, such as attribute values or spatial relationships.
Splitting divides one or more input features into separate features based on a specified line or polygon boundary.
This operation divides features based on attribute values. It creates separate output datasets for each unique attribute value.
Erase removes portions of one layer that overlap with another layer, leaving only the areas where the two layers do not overlap.
Identity produces a new layer that preserves the geometries of both input layers. It assigns attributes from both layers to the output, and where they overlap, it retains the attributes of both layers.
Intersect creates a new layer that contains only the areas where features from input layers overlap. The output retains the attributes from both input layers.
Spatial Join combines attributes from two layers based on their spatial relationship. It creates a new layer with attributes from both input layers, using a specified spatial relationship (e.g., intersect, contain, within).
Union combines the geometries and attributes of two or more input layers to create a new layer that represents the geometric and attribute combination of all input layers.
Update operation involves modifying attributes or geometries of features in a layer based on the attributes or geometries of another layer.
Near identifies features in one layer that are closest to features in another layer. It calculates distances between features and reports the nearest feature(s) based on specified criteria.
Buffering is a spatial operation in GIS that involves creating a zone or area around a geographic feature, typically represented as a point, line, or polygon. This zone is defined by a specified distance or buffer radius.
Dissolve combines adjacent polygons or features that share a common attribute value into a single feature. It merges geometries and aggregates attributes based on the specified dissolve field.
Summarize Within is a spatial operation in GIS that involves aggregating data from one layer based on the spatial relationship with features from another layer. It calculates statistics or aggregates attributes of features within the boundaries of other features.
5-10 Minutes | See instructors with lingering questions.
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro interface and capabilities.
5-10 Minutes | See instructors with lingering questions.
Basics of scripting in ArcGIS Pro using Jupyter.
Programmatic GIS refers to the practice of using programming languages and scripts to:
Rather than relying solely on graphical user interfaces (GUIs) of GIS software, programmatic GIS empowers users to harness the full capabilities of GIS through code.
While the GUI is a vital part of GIS and creates a venue for speedy learning, it can be very slow (esp. in ArcGIS Pro) and does not make sense for large scope projects or repetitive tasks.
Python is a versatile and powerful programming language widely used in various fields, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and, importantly, GIS.
Jupyter Notebooks are interactive computing environments that allow you to combine live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text all in one document.
They support multiple programming languages, including Python, R, and Julia, making them versatile tools for various data analysis tasks.
Jupyter Notebooks is installed as part of the ArcGIS Pro installation process or added later using the ArcGIS Pro package manager.
Once installed, you can launch Jupyter Notebooks directly from the ArcGIS Pro interface or a Python command prompt.
is the main python module to interact with the ArcGIS ecosystem and will be the focus of our exploration today.
scripts by minimizing unnecessary loops and operations.arcpy
script development within the team.Now we will explore how to open, run, and output Python code in ArcGIS Pro!
5-10 Minutes | See instructors with lingering questions.
Basic introduction to handling spatial data in R/RStudio.
You made it to the end! Great job!
Benjamin Tjepkes ~ bwtbgm@missouri.edu
Wesley Fitzsimmons ~ waf8xt@missouri.edu
© The Authors | 2024.03.19