
A dedicated wildlife ecologist and geospatial scientist…

Hello, my name is Ben Tjepkes and this is my online portfolio showcasing my professional and creative projects. I am a graduate student at the University of Missouri in the Department of Geography where I use a variety of data science and geospatial tools to conduct research in wildlife ecology and biogeography.

About Me Curriculum vitae

Emphasis Areas:

Ecology & Conservation

  • Wildlife Ecology
  • Biogeography
  • Climate Science
  • Environmental Data Science

Geospatial Technology

  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing
  • Cartography
  • Geoinformatics

Primary Works:

Blog Posts

Covering technical and creative topics, from ecology to cartography.

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Across the scopes of spatial ecology, biogeography, and geospatial science.

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More To Explore:


One of my favorite things is sharing neat resources, so I have started posting them here on everything from tutorials to eBooks for coding, stats, and making maps.


Feel free to reach out anytime with questions, comments, or suggestions.
