Helpful Resources

For coding, stats, and making maps.


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R for Fledglings

Informative ebook with tutorials about coding in R.

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R as GIS for Economists

Free online book focusing on spatial data processing for econometric projects, including example R code.

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Geographic Data Science with R

Free online book about visualizing and analyzing environmental change in R.

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Spatial Data Science with R and terra

Free online book about spatial data manipulation, analysis, and modeling.

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Landscape Genetic Data Analysis in R

Free online documentation for environmental genetics graduate course.

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The Epidemiologist R Handbook

Exceptional and free online book covering several topics in R, including data analysis, manipulation, and visualization.

Personal Website

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Joshua Stevens

Excellent blog posts and examples of cartography.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, GIS
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Cedric Scherer

Personal blog site with excellent posts about data visualization in R, especially ggplot2.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, R
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Matt Strimas-Mackey

Personal blog site with excellent posts about data analysis and visualization in R and Python.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, R
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Urban Data Palette

Personal blog site with excellent posts about data visualization, especially map creation and design.

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Luke Morris

Personal blog with excellent posts about ggplot and Quarto.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Science, Data Visualization, R

R Package

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basemaps R Package

R package to download and cache spatial basemaps.


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Excellent YouTube channel with a series on QGIS, with a focus on ecology and science.

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Coding Club Tutorials

Collection of coding, data science and statistics tutorials with examples in R, Python, and JavaScript.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Javascript, Python, R
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Quantitative Methods for Population Dynamics in R - 2023 Edition

Recording of population dynamics workshop, with a focus on modeling in R.

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Creating Square and Hexagon Tessellation in R

Blog post about creating fishnet and hexagon spatial grids in R.

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Using Spatial Data for Biodiversity

Free micro-course about using remote sensing and other spatial data to inform nature conservation.

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Communicating the Value of Biodiversity

Free micro-course on communicating the importance of biodiversity.

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Biodiversity Data Science

YouTube channel with videos about data science for ecology and evolutionary biology.

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Extract Values from a Raster in R

NSF NEON blog post about extracting data from a raster in R.

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Making Slides in Quarto with reveal.js

Blog post about making interactive presentation slides with Quarto in R.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, R
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Bivariate Maps with ggplot2 and sf in R

Blog post about making bivariate maps using the ggplot and sf packages in R.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, GIS, Mapping, R

Tutorials, eBook

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Manual of Applied Spatial Ecology

Outstanding source of example R scripts on managing and modeling environmental data.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Conservation, Geospatial, R


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From Data to Viz

Decision trees for determining which chart type best fits your data and objectives.

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Careers in Conservation Job Board List

Directory of conservation job boards.

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Bivariate Choropleth Maps A How-To Guide

Blog post about creating bivariate choropleth maps, including some example legends.

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The R Graph Gallery

Gallery of hundreds of charts made in R, with a focus on the ggplot2 package.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, R
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R Packages for Visualizing Spatial Data

Blog post detailing several R packages to visualize spatial data in R.

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Hexagon and Fishnet Spatial Grids

Blog post about several types of tesselations, including example R code.

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Reference Guide for R Data Wrangling Functions

Reference guide for commonly used functions in data wrangling for research.

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Creating Heat Maps From Coordinates in R

Blog post about creating heat maps in R using coordinate data.

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Storytelling with Data Chart Guide

Reference guide on what types of charts to best visualize certain types of data.

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Guide to Using Colors in Data Visualizations

Datawrapper blog post discussing the proper use of colors when designing data visualizations.

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Making Inset Maps Using ggplot2 in R

Blog post showing a simple way to make inset maps using the ggplot2 package in R.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, Mapping, R
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Classed and Unclassed Color Scales

Datawrapper blog post discussing when to use classed and unclassed color scales in data visualizations.

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Choosing Interpolation Methods for Choropleth Maps

Datawrapper blog post discussing the different methods of legend interpolation methods for choropleth maps.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, GIS, Geospatial, Mapping
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Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2 in R

Blog post about making data visualizations with the ggplot2 package in R.

  • Details: Click Here
  • Topics: Data Visualization, R
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