Bald Eagle Nest-Site Selection Project

Upper Mississippi River bald eagle population.

Methods & Objectives

We used a mixed-effects resource selection function under a use-availability design to understand the environmental features important to bald eagles when selecting nest sites.

Project Presentations

Tjepkes, B.W., S.C. Fetherston, S.E. Hygnstrom, B.J. Stemper, and S.L. Winter. 2019. Bald eagle nest-site selection along the Upper Mississippi River, 1990-2012. [Poster] UWSP College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.

Tjepkes, B.W., S.C. Fetherston, S.E. Hygnstrom, and S.L. Winter. 2019. Bald eagle nest monitoring on the upper Mississippi River, 1990-2012. [Talk] Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.

Project Reports & Datasets

Fetherston, S.C., B.W. Tjepkes, S.E. Hygnstrom, and S.L. Winter. 2020. Final Report: Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River, 1990–2012. USFWS Technical Report.

Tjepkes, B.W., S.C. Fetherston, S.E. Hygnstrom, and S.L. Winter. 2020. Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River, 1990-2012. USFWS Geospatial Dataset.