Ruffed Grouse Drumming Log Selection

Drumming log site selection in the mixed-boreal forests of Wisconsin.

Objectives & Methods

This project was aimed at determining how ruffed grouse in northern Wisconsin select their drumming log sites, investigating everything from log diameter, orientation, and spatial position.

Project Presentations

Tjepkes, B.W., J.G. Williams, J.O. Quehl, R.A. Martin, L. Cutler, and J.D. Riddle. Determining topographical components to drumming log selection in ruffed grouse. Session poster at University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.

Tjepkes, B.W., J.G. Williams, J.O. Quehl, B.M. Rochefort, R.A. Martin, and J.D. Riddle. Spatial position and orientation of ruffed grouse drumming logs. Session poster at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Tjepkes, B.W., J.G. Williams, J.O. Quehl, B.M. Rochefort, R.A. Martin, and J.D. Riddle. Measuring drumming log characteristics. Session poster at Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Williams, J.G., S.E. Lau, H.A. Putnam, J.O. Quehl, B.W. Tjepkes, and J.D. Riddle. Ruffed grouse drumming log characteristics. Session poster at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Williams, J.G., S.E. Lau, H.A. Putnam, J.O. Quehl, B.W. Tjepkes, and J.D. Riddle. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) drumming log characteristics near Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Session poster at Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE.

Williams, J.G., H.M. North, B.W. Tjepkes, S.E. Lau, and J.D. Riddle. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) drumming log selection near Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Session poster at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Williams, J.G., H.M. North, B.W. Tjepkes, S.E. Lau, and J.D. Riddle. Relationships between home range size, age, and habitat for ruffed grouse. Session poster at University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.