#30DayMapChallenge - 2023 Contributions

A creative cartography project.

Overview of Challenge

The 30 Day Map Challenge is a community event that encourages map enthusiasts of all levels to create and share a different map each day for 30 consecutive days. Each day of the challenge is associated with a specific theme or prompt, ranging from traditional cartography topics to more unconventional and imaginative ideas. The challenge not only fosters skill development but also builds a sense of community among mapmakers who share their unique perspectives through the maps they create.

Here are daily prompts for 2023. Credit: 30DayMapChallenge.com

Here are daily prompts for 2023. Credit: 30DayMapChallenge.com

My 2023 Contributions

Here are my contributions to the challenge. Feel free to explore the details on each map product by clicking/tapping the map previews below. I was not able to create a map for every day, but this was my first time partaking in this challenge so I am happy with how many I created.

Tools, Data, and Techniques

Here is some general information on the software, data sources, and cartographic techniques I used to create maps for this challenge. See the detailed overviews of each map for an in-depth acknowledgement of these attributes.

Tools – ArcGIS Pro 3.2, R/RStudio using primarily the ggplot, osmdata, rnaturalearth, and sf packages.

Data – OpenStreetMap, Esri Living Atlas, Natural Earth, and the IUCN.

Techniques/Styles – Graduated symbols, choropleth, hexbin, bivariate, polygon overlay with blending, and contour creation from a digital elevation model (DEM).


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Tjepkes, Benjamin},
  title = {\#30DayMapChallenge - 2023 {Contributions}},
  date = {2023-11-01},
  url = {https://btjepkes.github.io/posts/30-day-map-challenge-2023},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {This post is a look back at all of my contributions to the
    2023 \#30 Day Map Challenge, a daily social media challenge for the
    cartography community. I outline the tools I used and the data I
    explored along the way.}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Tjepkes, Benjamin. 2023. “#30DayMapChallenge - 2023 Contributions.” November 1, 2023. https://btjepkes.github.io/posts/30-day-map-challenge-2023.